A union between AI, molecular modeling, chemoinformatics and bioinformatics. Focus on the preclinical phase of drugs with high pharmacological value and few adverse effects.
NAIAD has a platform that enables the computational screening of billions of molecules against highly relevant targets, allowing the selection of molecules with the highest probability of success in vivo tests and clinical trials. Focus on the development of drugs acting on members of the GPCRs family and the possible applications in treatments for COVID-19, metabolic disorders, neurological conditions, psychiatric conditions, and cancer.

Prevenção e gestão de doenças
Founded in 2019 in Belo Horizonte (MG) by nephrologists Daniel Calazans, Fernando Lucas and José Neto, Grupo NefroClínicas is a network of premium clinics specializing in care related to kidney health. Recognized for its multidisciplinary approach - which includes nephrologists, psychologists, nutritionists, physiotherapists and social workers -, NefroClínicas combines cutting-edge care with the latest scientific and technological advances.

Prevenção e gestão de doenças
Founded in 2019 in Belo Horizonte (MG) by nephrologists Daniel Calazans, Fernando Lucas and José Neto, Grupo NefroClínicas is a network of premium clinics specializing in care related to kidney health. Recognized for its multidisciplinary approach - which includes nephrologists, psychologists, nutritionists, physiotherapists and social workers -, NefroClínicas combines cutting-edge care with the latest scientific and technological advances.

Eficiência do sistema de saúde
A Omni Saúde entra no mercado como um benefício corporativo inovador, garantindo o medicamento certo, para a pessoa certa, no momento certo, em qualquer farmácia do Brasil. Com foco na experiência do usuário e independente de rede de farmácias, possibilita um processo simples e seguro, atendendo empresas de todos os portes e setores. O investimento nos planos de medicamentos impacta a qualidade de vida e produtividade das empresas, além de contribuir com a redução de gastos com planos de saúde decorrente dos agravos evitados.

Eficiência do sistema de saúde
A Omni Saúde entra no mercado como um benefício corporativo inovador, garantindo o medicamento certo, para a pessoa certa, no momento certo, em qualquer farmácia do Brasil. Com foco na experiência do usuário e independente de rede de farmácias, possibilita um processo simples e seguro, atendendo empresas de todos os portes e setores. O investimento nos planos de medicamentos impacta a qualidade de vida e produtividade das empresas, além de contribuir com a redução de gastos com planos de saúde decorrente dos agravos evitados.
Eficiência do sistema de saúde
Track.co is a technology startup that offers customer experience management software, conducting real-time research on digital channels, generating customer insights for decision-making aimed at evolving the consumer journey. The company leads the Brazilian CXM market and has impacted more than 200 million consumers in its trajectory and is in more than 10 countries in Latin America and the United States.
Eficiência do sistema de saúde
Track.co is a technology startup that offers customer experience management software, conducting real-time research on digital channels, generating customer insights for decision-making aimed at evolving the consumer journey. The company leads the Brazilian CXM market and has impacted more than 200 million consumers in its trajectory and is in more than 10 countries in Latin America and the United States.